Friday, April 23, 2010

Mrs. Incredible: Helen Parr\Elastigirl (The Incredibles)

Mrs. Incredible: Helen Parr\Elastigirl (The Incredibles)

Name meaning: Greek, “Light”

Helen Parr, like her superhero surname, is truly incredible. She can pilot a jet, bend through laser force fields, stretch through evil-villain chambers, fight off armed guards with martial arts, and raise and referee three kids; the quicksilver, boastful Dash, the bubbly baby Jack-Jack (whose own superpowers manifest to terrific effect), and the timid Violet. She is wife to a disgruntled superhero-retiree-cum-insurance salesman, and keeps house—not an easy task when your super-strong husband constantly breaks things, forgetful of his own strength, and her headstrong son literally runs rings into the carpet. In addition to her superpowers, Helen is clever, tough, loyal, and caring. (You don’t undertake continually saving the world if you don’t care about humanity.) She is understanding of her family’s individual frustrations: Bob’s dissatisfaction with his job--a person who loves to help people chafes in a position where compassion is frowned upon--, Dash’s sulking about how he wishes he could unleash his powers and use his extraordinary potential; and Violet’s teenage concerns and self-doubt. Not to mention changing all of Jack-Jack’s diapers. She is not fearless, because you can’t ever be truly fearless when you love someone) but knows that there are more important things than fear. She trusts her children and believes in their gifts, and wants the best for them. She’s not just a superwoman, she’s a super mom.

Helen: Now it's perfectly normal...
Violet: [interrupting] Normal? What do *you* know about normal? What does *anyone* in *this* family know about normal?
Helen: Now wait a minute, young lady...
Violet: We act normal, mom! I want to *be* normal! The only normal one is Jack-Jack, and he's not even toilet trained!
[Jack-Jack bursts out laughing]
Dash: Lucky...
[Violet and Helen look askance at him]
Dash: Uh, I meant about being normal.
Helen: Bob! It's time to engage! Do something! Don't just stand there, I need you to.. intervene!

[Helen is feeding Jack-Jack and making baby noises at him]
Dash: Mom, you're making weird faces again.
Helen: Noo, I'm not...
Bob: [not looking up from the paper] You make weird faces, honey.
Helen: Jack-Jack doesn't have any powers.
Edna: No? Well, he'll look fabulous anyway.

Helen: I think your father is in trouble.
Violet: If you haven't noticed, Mom, we're not doin' so hot either.

Helen: Dash... this is the third time this year you've been sent to the office. We need to find a better outlet. A more... constructive outlet.
Dash: Maybe I could, if you'd let me go out for sports.
Helen: Honey, you know why we can't do that.
Dash: But I promise I'll slow up. I'll only be the best by a tiny bit.
Helen: Dashiell Robert Parr, you are an incredibly competitive boy, and a bit of a show-off. The last thing you need is temptation.
Dash: You always say 'Do your best', but you don't really mean it. Why can't I do the best that I can do?
Helen: Right now, honey, the world just wants us to fit in, and to fit in, we gotta be like everyone else.
Dash: But Dad always said our powers were nothing to be ashamed of, our powers made us special.
Helen: Everyone's special, Dash.
Dash: [muttering] Which is another way of saying no one is.

Helen: While what? I watch helplessly from the sidelines? I don't think so.

Helen: Hey, c'mon. We're superheroes. What could happen?

Helen: [on getting no response from the island's air tower, Helen reaches for her superhero costume, then pulls back] Easy, Helen, easy, easy girl. You're overreacting, everything's fine, they're just...all getting coffee! At the same time. Yeah.

Elastigirl: Settle down, are you kidding? I'm at the top of my game! I'm right up there with the big dogs! Girls, come on. Leave the saving of the world to the men? I don't think so.

Helen: Dash got sent to the office again.
Bob: [Not paying attention] Good, good.
Helen: No, Bob. That's bad.
Bob: What?
Helen: Dash got sent to the office again.
Bob: What? What for?
Dash: Nothing!
Helen: He put a tack on the teacher's chair. *During* class.
Dash: Nobody saw me. You could barely see it on the tape.
Bob: They caught you on tape and you still got away with it? Whoa! You must have been booking! How fast do you think you were going?
Helen: Bob, we are not encouraging this!

Helen: *What*? You knocked down a building?

Helen: I'm calling to celebrate a momentous occasion. We are now *officially* moved in.
Bob: That's great, honey. And the last three years don't count because...
Helen: Because I finally unpacked the last box. Now it's official! Ha ha ha! Why do we have so much junk?

Dash: You want to go *toward* the people that tried to kill us?
Helen: If it means land, yes.

Helen: Your identity is your most valuable possession. Protect it.

Helen: Remember the bad guys on the shows you used to watch on Saturday mornings? Well, these guys aren't like those guys. They won't exercise restraint because you are children. They *will* kill you if they get the chance. Do *not* give them that chance.

Helen: [sobbing] Now I'm losing him! What'll I do? What'll I do?
Edna: What are you talking about?
Helen: [stops crying] Huh?
Edna: [shouts] You are Elastigirl! My God...[swatting Helen with a newspaper] Pull-yourself-together! "What will you do?" Is this a question? You will show him you remember that he is Mr. Incredible, and you will remind him who *you* are. Well, you know where he is. Go, confront the problem. Fight! Win! [normal voice] And call me when you get back, darling. I enjoy our visits.

Helen: Stop it! We are not gonna die! Now, both of you will *get a grip*! Or so help me, I will *ground* you for a month. Understand?

Elastigirl: Oh, you're referring to *me* now?

Helen: Of course I have a secret identity. Can you see me in this at the, at the supermarket? Come on! Who'd want to go shopping as Elastigirl, know what I mean?

Helen: What on earth do you think the baby will be doing?
Edna: Well, I am sure I don't know, darling. Luck favors the prepared.

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