Friday, April 23, 2010

Goddess of Chaos: Eris

Goddess of Chaos: Eris

The sensual Goddess of Chaos schemes her way through Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas with a voice supplied by Catwoman herself, Michelle Pheiffer, in all its sultry, purring glory. Larger than life, she is a shimmering, shape-shifting specter dressed in the blues and purples of dusk. Her M.O centers around the Book of Peace, an enchanted tome with quite a fan base: Sinbad is after it because its worth is almost priceless, Proteus is interested as it is a valuable cultural artifact, and Eris wants it for its power. Like most animated villainesses, not to mention life-action ones, Eris uses her wiles and mystical beauty to snare what she wants. And, like most villains, those interests center around wealth and power. Her attempts to seduce Sinbad into doing her bidding backfires when she underestimates him, disbelieving in his change of heart.

Eris Quotes
Eris: Wake up, my beauties. Rise and shine. It's a brand new day and the mortal world is at peace. But not for long. Just look at them; I pull one tiny thread and their whole world unravels into chaos. Glorious chaos.

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