Friday, April 23, 2010

Two for Flinching: Audrey Rocio Ramirez (Atlantis: The Lost Empire)

Two for Flinching: Audrey Rocio Ramirez (Atlantis: The Lost Empire)

Name meaning: English, "Noble strength."
The talented teenage mechanic of the Atlantean expedition is a feisty, wisecracking Hispanic girl. With her choppy bob, overalls and work boots, Audrey definitely doesn’t fit the typical image of an eighteen-year-old girl circa 1914. Instead of a corset, she dons a cap and a Henley thermal, and instead of kidskin gloves, she gets her fingers dirty with auto repairs. Audrey is the younger daughter of a garage mechanic, and is something of a prodigy. At only a few months of age she managed to dismantle and repair clocks, leading to a job at the Ford motor plant in her hometown of Detroit, assembling vehicles. At eighteen, she is the youngest worker there. Despite saying she took her father’s place on the crew for the money, Audrey is the first member of the crew to defend Milo from Rourke, forgoing her share of Atlantean treasure to help him. She is tough, hardworking, and clever. As she told Milo, her tomboyish tendencies arose because her father had planned on raising two sons in order to fulfill his dreams of being a professional pugilist, as well as having an heir to run the garage. Audrey became a crackerjack mechanic, while her sister Ana, the boxer, is “24 and 0, with a shot at the title next month.”

Audrey Axioms
Audrey: Two for flinching.
Audrey: 'Bout time someone hit him. I'm just sorry it wasn't me.

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